Evolution of Dad

Facebook - Evolution of Dad

Father’s Day CArds goof on Dad as if he’s Still The traditional tool-carrying, sports loving, Bread-winning, goofy grill master. But today’s Dads aren’t so easily, or narrowly, defined.

So FOR FAther’s daY 2018 we brought multi-generational Fathers together to start a conversation across Facebook about The evolution of Dad.

Role: Creative Director, Copywriter


Facebook & Instagram Stories. Stories previewed the evolution of dad conversation and directed people towards the in-feed campaign videos and images.


VIgnettes. 10-20 second videos vignettes fOcused on the Evolution of dad within individual families.


Family Portraits. family portraits FeaTURED 3 and 4 generations of men, and were paired with simple quotes about fatherhood to stoke conversation and engagement.
